Wednesday 11 September 2024


Renowned Philanthropist Donates Two Motor Bikes To Nenwe Security Service To Ease Their Operations*.

Nenwe Security Service received a boost over the weekend as renowned Philanthropist Mr Leonard Nwonye (aka Oil) donated two Motor bikes to NSS to ease their operations.

The motor bikes were delivered to the palace of HRH Igwe Dr FN Imoh (Ezeudo 1 of Agbada Ancient Kingdom) who is also the Chairman of Nenwe Accountability Forum(NCAF).

Upon receipt of the Motor Bikes, the Chairman of Nenwe Security Service,AVM CN Chukwu(Mkpume Nenwe) expressed his deep appreciation to the donor on behalf of the Management and members of the NSS. 

Mr Leonardo Nwonye who has keenly followed the activities of the NSS stated that the support was to encourage the NSS management and team for their outstanding performance so far while urging other Nenwe sons and daughters to engage the NSS too.

Mr Emeka Chukwu, a brother to Mr Leonard Nwonye has also donated the sum of N100,000 towards the fueling of the motorcycles, and in support of his brother's gesture/donation.

The NSS as a security outfit launched in 2024 has assisted in reducing the spate of crime around Nenwe Community,however there are more areas to be covered as the Service is  planning to purchase Hilux vans and other modern  security gadgets to boost the operations of the NSS for maximum performance.

*NSS Management Team*. 11/09/2024

(Reported on NOL by Ndubisi

Ebube Aniobi)

Saturday 13 July 2024



The AMOJI LO L'IDJE (Association) would like to congratulate Mr Martin Okafor on the  (EZINNE) movie premiere  that takes place today.

It has been a tough road  but with your professionalism and tenacious attitude we have come to this wonderful day.
We are proud of you as a true son of Nenwe and Igboland  in all aspects.
We are also proud to be associate with you and pray that  this is just the beginning  of a wonderful story of successes .
Everyone is invited to use the link below  for the streaming of the event.

[Interim President]

Thursday 4 July 2024


The Nenwe town (in Aninri LGA of Enugu State ) comprising of 4 autonomous communities has after years of steadfastness in following the rigourous and stringent conditions and procedures of the Federal and state governments succeeded in registering , trainings and lunching of the NENWE SECURITY SERVICES (NSS).

The security outfit  which is fully funded by the community at home and in the diaspora was launched in January this year  but became operative from the first of July 2024. It  is  made up of  selected and screened men and women of integrity and capacity from the communities who were trained for months by the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps  with the support of the DSS and other government recommended and approved security agencies.

There main duties are to keep the town safe from delinquents,  through close collaboration with the NPF and other government Security agencies, mediating in minor disputes,providing 'low level security'  during gatherings and functions, information /data management and assisting the police with them when necessary.

The whole town and other neighbouring communities were jubilant to see the successful take off of this long awaited project which is supposed to ensure their 'sleeping with two eyes closed' as the popular saying goes..

The pictures above were taken when they came to show themselves at the Orie market and other spots in Nenwe.

This report is not the official communique from the Agency or Nenwe Homeland committee but gathered reports.

Below is a communique from one of the community Igwe to all Nenwerians to support the NSS;

I write to congratulate the Chairman, AVM C.N. CHUKWU (RTD.) OON, Nenwe Security Services, The PGs, Nenwe in Diaspora and all the organizers on the successful takeoff of Nenwe Security Services.

Your efforts to bequeath Nenwe with a strong and committed indigenous security outfit is indeed a commendable one. 

I urge all Nenwerians to identify with this noble formation to enable it assume enviable position. 

May the Almighty God reward all of you. 


Bsc (Hons);  LLB.LAW;  MSC,

The Ezeudo I 

Agbada Nenwe Ancient Kingdom and Chairman Nenwe Accountability Forum (NCAF)

Tuesday 25 June 2024


_"DEFTOUCH MOVIES" FORMALLY PREMIERES WITH  "EZINNE" @ THE METROPOLITAN CITY OF ENUGU_, *Sets Sights @ Hollywood* ... WITH A SUBTEXT: An Opening Salvo of Intent For Electoral Representation.

The countdown has been set rolling - with *deft touch* of innovation and exquisite style -  for the first all Nenwe unity event this year,  earmarked for Saturday, July 13, 2024, @ the metropolitan city of Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria.

That day at the start time of 4 PM, a born & bred NOL alumnus, Mr  Martin Okafor, or Emperor , doing business as  "DEFTOUCH MOVIES", a start up in film- making and movie directorship will use his flagship movie themed "EZINNE" to launch his foray into the live audience, cinematic platform.

As members of the NOL community we have been privileged to witness Mr. Okafor transformed his dream to the present reality -each of us can tell his story: he first crawled, and then initiated his tentative first walk steps in the realm of filmmaking and distribution, and now, he has readied himself and his team, to take on the next logical step in the career he seems quite equipped for right from  his cradle.

The boldness which he imbued into his preparation for this July 13 event, shadows the far reaches of his sight: *HOLLYWOOD*.

As a burnished NOL alumnus, conversant with the high standards; and, what it means to be a representative and _Cultural Ambassador_ ( his official job title at NOL) of a people, it has been a matter for conjecture,  if and when, he would choose to seek electoral representation of our people.

The NOL Platform Organization - which you all are part & parcel of -  as the ultimate mass mobilizer for positive changes in Nenwe, now knocks at your door to rally for this outing with our collective support. 

The NOL Board would like to leave each one of us to choose the "how" and the "manner" to lend your support in the promotion of,  and guidance of this Nenwe event to a roaring success.

Thank you for doing us proud with your outstanding support.



Wednesday 22 May 2024


Senator MBChukwubike with 
Young CAMILLUS early 60s


The death of Chief Camilius Igwebike was one of the deaths that  continue to signal to us the passing of an era in our family circle.  

We grew up knowing the handsome  'Cammy' (our father used to call him simply that way) as   our fathers" relation till we grew up. Probably because both of them were  handsome and always well dressed.

He continued to be a house hold name even after his marriage to his very beautiful wife Miss Cathrine Nwuko. A marriage which our parents sponsored and honoured with thier good friends  from  the Parliament like the then Minister of Information Hon B.C Okwu ( see photo attached).

Chief Igwebuike  also continued to be a faithful  and sincere friend to our family in the community and politics. In 2003 HRH JS Ifenatu, Chief Inno.Aniobi,Chief A.N Ezeh etc were some of the arrow heads that piloted the Amoji ,Nenwe   and Greater Awgu communities at large  in  giving an unprecedented final respect to Senator M.B.Chukwubike . 

He was one of the great pillars in Amoji community affairs.

My last phone call with him was on the 29th of December 2023 and quite regrettable our appointment  on Easter when I planned to return from Europe  to complete some particular discussions and stories could not be possible, however, in every situation  we give  glories to  God .

Chief Igwebuike was a great family man and community leader who continued to counsel  an mentor the growing ones till his last day.

In his profession as a teacher , he was one of the best head teachers in the division till his pension age

He was one of the best  lawn tennis players then  the 1960s  around  the division when I used to be  the ball boy for them. MB Chukwubike (RIP) my father was unbeatable and I remember  the day Cammy beat him at the St Peter's lawn in a singles he (MBC) gifted Uncle Cammy with a  Slazenger Tennis Racket like his own which  he promptly bought the next day from Kingsway  stores Enugu.

Those were days and period life in Nenwe was better than what we even observe now in Europe. The Irish missionaries and District officers even sometimes came down to the  Tennis court at St Peter's  or St Michael's Amebor.

On his wedding day with Hon Minister of Information BC.Okwu &
Senator MB.Chukwubike 

Now we have the church on the court at St Peter's at and The Ogbodis reclaimed their land and built a home on that of Amebor though I learnt it was never donated to the church but  used on  an agreed lease  and never in the area given for the school and church.

May the soul of Chief Igwebuike and souls of all faithful departed rest  in peace. AMEN

From Charles O Chukwubike 

For the Chukwubikes family of Amebor Amoji Nenwe

From the  CHUKWUBIKES' Family.

Amabor Amoji