Tuesday 25 June 2024


_"DEFTOUCH MOVIES" FORMALLY PREMIERES WITH  "EZINNE" @ THE METROPOLITAN CITY OF ENUGU_, *Sets Sights @ Hollywood* ... WITH A SUBTEXT: An Opening Salvo of Intent For Electoral Representation.

The countdown has been set rolling - with *deft touch* of innovation and exquisite style -  for the first all Nenwe unity event this year,  earmarked for Saturday, July 13, 2024, @ the metropolitan city of Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria.

That day at the start time of 4 PM, a born & bred NOL alumnus, Mr  Martin Okafor, or Emperor , doing business as  "DEFTOUCH MOVIES", a start up in film- making and movie directorship will use his flagship movie themed "EZINNE" to launch his foray into the live audience, cinematic platform.

As members of the NOL community we have been privileged to witness Mr. Okafor transformed his dream to the present reality -each of us can tell his story: he first crawled, and then initiated his tentative first walk steps in the realm of filmmaking and distribution, and now, he has readied himself and his team, to take on the next logical step in the career he seems quite equipped for right from  his cradle.

The boldness which he imbued into his preparation for this July 13 event, shadows the far reaches of his sight: *HOLLYWOOD*.

As a burnished NOL alumnus, conversant with the high standards; and, what it means to be a representative and _Cultural Ambassador_ ( his official job title at NOL) of a people, it has been a matter for conjecture,  if and when, he would choose to seek electoral representation of our people.

The NOL Platform Organization - which you all are part & parcel of -  as the ultimate mass mobilizer for positive changes in Nenwe, now knocks at your door to rally for this outing with our collective support. 

The NOL Board would like to leave each one of us to choose the "how" and the "manner" to lend your support in the promotion of,  and guidance of this Nenwe event to a roaring success.

Thank you for doing us proud with your outstanding support.



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